The Role of the coherence length in exclusive electroproduction of vector mesons off nuclei at moderate energies

Jul, 1995

Citations per year

The variation of the coherence length lc=2ν/(Q 2+mV 2)l_c=2\nu/(Q~2+m_V~2) in virtual photoproduction of vector mesons off nuclei as a function of the photon energy ν\nu or virtuality Q 2Q~2 results in dramatic changes in the values of the nuclear transparency. Color transparency effects can be easily mixed up with the effects of the coherence length in incoherent photoproduction on nuclei.
  • talk: Cambridge 1995/07/22
  • electron nucleus: incoherent interaction
  • incoherent interaction: electron nucleus
  • electron nucleus: coherent interaction
  • coherent interaction: electron nucleus
  • beryllium
  • iron
  • vector meson: photoproduction
  • photoproduction: vector meson
  • coherence: length