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In this Lecture we first review the basic properties that make flipped SU(5) a very economical and well motivated unified model, including some recent developments regarding the prediction for αs\alpha_s and new implications for proton decay. Then we sketch the derivation of flipped SU(5) from strings, stressing some new results concerning the cosmological constant, the stability of the no-scale mechanism, and a new mechanism for generating the ``LEP" scale M_{\rm LEP}\sim10~{16}\GeV in string models. Finally we present a sample supersymmetry breaking scenario, where all sparticle masses depend on a single parameter, and discuss the experimental signatures at LEP and the Tevatron. This scenario also predicts the top-quark mass to be close to 175 GeV. (Lecture presented by D.V.Nanopoulos at the 33rd International School of Subnuclear Physics ``Vacuum and vacua: the physics of nothing", Erice, July 2-10, 1995.)
  • lectures: Erice 1995/07/02
  • grand unified theory: SU(5) x U(1)
  • string model
  • supersymmetry
  • strong interaction: coupling constant
  • coupling constant: strong interaction
  • p: decay
  • decay: p
  • sparticle: mass
  • mass: sparticle
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