Analytic calculation of prompt photon plus associated heavy flavor at next-to-leading order in QCD
Dec, 199534 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 54 (1996) 2279-2294
- hep-ph/9512343 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- ANL-HEP-PR-95-36
Citations per year
Contributions through second order, , in perturbative quantum chromodynamics are calculated analytically for inclusive associated production of a prompt photon and a charm quark at large values of transverse momentum in high energy hadron-hadron collisions. Seven partonic subprocesses contribute at order . We find important corrections to the lowest order, , subprocess . We demonstrate to what extent data from may serve to measure the charm quark density in the nucleon.- 13.85.Ni
- 12.38.Bx
- 13.85.Qk
- 12.38.Qk
- hadron hadron: inclusive reaction
- anti-p p: annihilation
- annihilation: anti-p p
- photon: direct production
- direct production: photon
- quark: associated production