Longitudinal Z boson pair production via gluon fusion in technicolor models

Jan, 1996
6 pages
Report number:
  • FERMILAB-CONF-96-019-T

Citations per year

We study the coupling of two longitudinal Z-bosons to two gluons via technicolor interactions. Noticing a similarity of this process to 2γ2π 02 \gamma \rightarrow 2 \pi~{0}, we calculate the amplitude in chiral perturbation theory in one-generation technicolor model. At the invariant mass of ZLZL Z_{L}Z_{L} above the colored pseudo-Goldstone boson threshold, we find the signal in proton collisions at s=14TeV\sqrt{s} = 14\, TeV is stronger than the standard model background by an order of magnitude, and is large enough to be easily observable at LHC. The cross section for WL +WL W_{L}~{+}W_{L}~{-} pair production is also presented.
  • 6 pages, two Postcript Figures, uses sprocl.sty file included Report-no: FERMILAB-CONF-96/019-T
  • talk: Ames 1995/05/22
  • p p: interaction
  • interaction: p p
  • gluon gluon: fusion
  • Z0: pair production
  • pair production: Z0
  • Z0: longitudinal
  • technicolor: interaction
  • interaction: technicolor
  • amplitude analysis