Weak scale supersymmetry: Theory and practice
Apr, 199650 pages
Part of QCD and beyond. Proceedings, Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics, TASI-95, Boulder, USA, June 4-30, 1995, 109-162
Contribution to:
- hep-ph/9604232 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- JHU-TIPAC-96008
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These lectures contain an introduction to the theory and practice of weak-scale supersymmetry. They begin with a discussion of the hierarchy problem and the motivation for weak-scale supersymmetry. They continue by developing the coset approach to superfields. They use superfield techniques to construct the minimal supersymmetric version of the standard model and to discuss soft supersymmetry breaking and its implications. The lectures end with a brief survey of expectations for future collider experiments.- lectures: Boulder 1995/06/04
- supersymmetry: superfield
- Wess-Zumino model
- mass: hierarchy
- hierarchy: mass
- coset space
- gauge field theory: SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)
- electroweak interaction
- symmetry breaking
- numerical calculations