Domain walls are diamagnetic
Aug, 19966 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 389 (1996) 475-478
- hep-ph/9609219 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- TPI-MINN-96-14-T,
- UMN-TH-1508-96
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It is shown that contrary to a recent claim in the literature, the domain walls made of scalar field are diamagnetic due to presence of massless fermionic modes on the wall. The diamagnetism vanishes at high temperature. Thus the domain walls could produce no effect on a primordial magnetic field in the early universe.Note:
- 6 pages in LaTeX Report-no: TPI-MINN-96/14-T, UMN-TH-1508-96
- domain wall
- field theory: scalar
- magnetic field
- cosmological model