An excess of events with a rapidity gap between jets, over what would be expected from non-diffractive processes, has been observed at HERA. A process based on a perturbative QCD calculation of colour singlet exchange has been added to HERWIG. With this addition, HERWIG is able to describe the number of events with a gap between jets over the number without a gap. This gap fraction is predicted to rise at large rapidity intervals between jets which would only be visible if the detector coverage were increased.
  • talk: Hamburg 1995/09/25
  • talk: Hamburg 1996/02/07
  • talk: Hamburg 1996/05/30
  • positron p: deep inelastic scattering
  • jet: photoproduction
  • jet: multiple production
  • hard scattering
  • rapidity: gap
  • photon: resolved
  • color: singlet