High p(T) charm photoproduction
Sep, 19956 pages
Contribution to:
- Workshop on Future Physics at HERA (Preceded by meetings 25-26 Sep 1995 and 7-9 Feb 1996 at DESY),
- Workshop on Future Physics at HERA (Preceded by meeting 25-26 Sep 1995 and to be followed by meeting 30-31 May 1996 at DESY),
- Workshop on Future Physics at HERA (To be followed by meetings 7-9 Feb and 30-31 May 1996 at DESY)
- hep-ph/9609335 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- DESY-96-191,
- UCL-HEP-96-04
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The expected rates for charm-tagged jet photoproduction are evaluated for a number of tagging procedures, and some of the physics potential is discussed. Charm in jets is tagged using 's, 's, or tracks from secondary vertices which might be identified in a microvertex detector. We find high expected event rates, leading to the possibility of placing strong constraints on the kinematics of charm production and on the gluon content of the proton and the charm content of the photon.Note:
- 6 pages including 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the workshop "Future Physics at HERA". Also available at http://www-zeus.desy.de/butterwo/pubs.html#hera3 Report-no: DESY-96-191, UCL/HEP 96-04
- talk: Hamburg 1995/09/25
- talk: Hamburg 1996/02/07
- talk: Hamburg 1996/05/30
- electron p: inclusive reaction
- exchange: one-photon
- photon p: exclusive reaction
- quark: electroproduction
- quark: photoproduction
- transverse momentum: high
- jet: photoproduction