Yukawa textures in string unified models with SU(4) x O(4) symmetry
Oct, 199644 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 56 (1997) 2632-2655
- hep-ph/9610517 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- CERN-TH-96-300,
- IOA-05-96,
- RAL-TR-96-091,
- SHEP-96-29,
- CERN-TH-96-300.-IOA-05-96.-RAL-TR-96-091.-SHEP-96-29
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We discuss the origin of Yukawa textures in the string-inspired and string derived models based on the gauge group SU(4)xSU(2)_LxSU(2)_R supplemented by a U(1)_X gauged family symmetry. The gauge symmetries are broken down to those of the minimal supersymmetric standard model which is the effective theory below 10^16 GeV. The combination of the U(1)_X family symmetry and the Pati-Salam gauge group leads to a successful and predictive set of Yukawa textures involving two kinds of texture zeroes: horizontal and vertical texture zeroes. We discuss both symmetric and non-symmetric textures in models of this kind, and in the second case perform a detailed numerical fit to the charged fermion mass and mixing data. Two of the Yukawa textures allow a low energy fit to the data with a total chi^2 of 0.39 and 1.02 respectively, for three degrees of freedom. We also make a first attempt at deriving the non - renormalisable operators required for the Yukawa textures from string theory.Note:
- Revised version to include string section on origin of non-renormalisable operators. 54 pages LaTeX
- 12.15.Ff
- 12.10.Kt
- grand unified theory
- supersymmetry
- family
- coupling: Yukawa
- symmetry breaking
- Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
- bibliography