Flavor asymmetry of anti-quark distributions in the nucleon
Feb, 199782 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rept. 303 (1998) 183-257
- hep-ph/9702367 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- SAGA-HE-97-97,
- DOE-ER-40561-255,
- INT-96-19-01
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Citations per year
1. Introduction 2. Possible violation of the Gottfried sum rule 2.1 Gottfried sum rule 2.2 Early experimental results 2.3 NMC finding and recent progress 2.4 Small contribution 2.5 Nuclear correction: shadowing in the deuteron 2.6 Parametrization of antiquark distributions 3 Expectations in perturbative QCD 3.1 Operator product expansion 3.2 Perturbative correction to the Gottfried sum 4 Theoretical ideas for the sum-rule violation 4.1 Lattice QCD 4.2 Pauli exclusion principle 4.3 Mesonic models 4.3.1 Meson-cloud contribution 4.3.2 Chiral models 4.3.3 Anomalous evolution 4.4 Diquark model 4.5 Isospin symmetry violation 4.6 Flavor asymmetry ubar-dbar in nuclei 4.7 Relation to nucleon spin 4.8 Comment on effects of quark mass and transverse motion 5 Finding the flavor asymmetry ubar-dbar in various processes 5.1 Drell-Yan process 5.1.1 Fermilab-E866 results 5.2 W and Z production 5.3 Quarkonium production at large 5.4 Charged hadron production 5.5 Neutrino scattering 5.6 Experiments to find isospin symmetry violation 6 Related topics on antiquark distributions 7 Summary and outlookNote:
- 3+79 pages, LATEX2e, 29 eps figures. Physics Reports in press. Complete postscript file is available at http://www.cc.saga-u.ac.jp/saga-u/riko/physics/quantum1/structure.html Email: kumanos@cc.saga-u.ac.jp Report-no: SAGA-HE-97-97, DOE/ER/40561-255-INT96-19-01
- inspirereview:II-d-6
- lepton nucleon: deep inelastic scattering
- nucleon: structure function
- antiquark: momentum spectrum
- asymmetry: flavor
- sum rule: Gottfried
- sum rule: violation
- quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
- operator product expansion
- structure function: small-x
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