Are isocurvature fluctuations of the M theory axion observable?
Mar, 19976 pages
Published in:
- Prog.Theor.Phys. 97 (1997) 809-812
- hep-ph/9703261 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- ICRR-387-97-10
Citations per year
Banks and Dine have recently shown that the M theory naturally accommodates the Peccei-Quinn axion. Since the decay constant of the axion is large as GeV, the halo axion is hardly detected in coming axion-search experiments. However, we show that isocurvature fluctuations of the M-theory axion produced at the inflationary epoch are most likely detectable in future satellite experiments on anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background radiation.- axion
- M-theory
- inflation
- space-time: fluctuation
- cosmic background radiation: anisotropy