We study the structure of constituent quarks by dressing bare quarks with the Goldstone bosons and its implications for quark distribution functions of hadrons f1(x)f_1(x), g1(x)g_1(x) and h1(x)h_1(x). In particular we discuss effects of the dressing on the nucleon spin structure, and find that contributions to chiral-odd h1(x)h_1(x) is quite different from those to g1(x)g_1 (x), which can be measured in the semi-inclusive polarized deep inelastic scattering.
  • talk: Osaka 1997/05/20
  • hadron: structure function
  • nucleon: structure function
  • structure function: spin
  • quark: spin
  • quark: momentum spectrum
  • Goldstone particle
  • sum rule: Gottfried
  • symmetry: chiral
  • lepton nucleon: deep inelastic scattering