I review the ways that have been proposed to measure the quark transversity distribution in the nucleon. I then explain a proposal, developed by Xuemin Jin, Jian Tang and myself, to measure transversity through the final state interaction between two mesons (ππ\pi\pi, KKˉK \bar K, or πK\pi K) produced in the current fragmentation region in deep inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized nucleon.
  • 15 pages, 5 postscript figures, LaTeX & BoxedEPS; invited paper, presented at the 2nd Topical Workshop, DESY Zeuthen, September 1-5, 1997: "Deep Inelastic Scattering off Polarized Targets: Theory Meets Experiment"; email to jaffe@mitlns.mit.edu ; name of conference and proceedings added Report-no: MIT-CTP-2685
  • electron p: deep inelastic scattering
  • electron p: inclusive reaction
  • p: polarized target
  • polarization: transverse
  • pseudoscalar meson: pair production
  • K
  • pi
  • current: fragmentation
  • final-state interaction
  • quark: momentum spectrum