New dynamical symmetry breaking in electroweak theory

Nov, 1997
25 pages

Citations per year

A new dynamical symmetry breaking of SU(2)L×U(1)SU(2)_{L}\times U(1) caused by the combination of the axial-vector component and the fermion mass is found in electroweak theory. We obtain (m^{2}_{W}={1/2}g^{2}m^{2}_{t}) and (m^{2}_{Z}=\rho m^{2}_{W}/cos^{2}\theta_{W}) with (\rho\simeq 1), (G_{F}={1/2 \sqrt{2}m^{2}_{t}})}}). Two fixed gauge fixing terms for W and Z boson fields are dynamically generated. Massive neutrinos are required.
  • 15 pages, Latex
  • electroweak interaction: SU(2) x U(1)
  • dynamical symmetry breaking
  • fermion: mass
  • W: mass
  • Z0: mass
  • gauge fixing
  • neutrino: massive
  • field theory: axial-vector
  • intermediate boson: propagator
  • numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments