Obtaining K ---> pi pi from off-shell K ---> pi amplitudes

Jan, 1998
31 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 521 (1998) 305-333
Report number:
  • BERN-98-02,
  • LU-TP-98-2,
  • UG-FT-78-97

Citations per year

We properly define off-shell KπK\to\pi transition amplitudes and use them to extract information for on-shell KππK\to\pi\pi amplitudes within Chiral Perturbation Theory. At order p2p^2 in the chiral expansion all three parameters of weak interaction can be determined. At order p4p^4 we are able to fix eleven additional constants out of thirteen contributing to off-shell KπK\to\pi transitions, which leaves four undetermined constants in the on-shell KππK\to\pi\pi amplitudes. All O(p4){\cal O}(p^4) contributions have been exactly derived with mπ20m_\pi^2\ne 0. We finally discuss the weak mass term issue and find contributions to on-shell ΔS=±1\Delta S=\pm 1 Kaon decays, in particular to transitions like KLγγK_L \to \gamma \gamma, KLμ+μK_L \to \mu^+ \mu^- and KSπ0γγK_S \to \pi^0 \gamma \gamma at the lowest non-zero order.
  • LaTeX, 31 pages, 4 postscript figures, uses epsf.sty Report-no: BERN-98/02, LU TP 98-2, UG-FT-78/97
  • 11.30.Rd
  • 13.25.Es
  • 12.38.Gc
  • 12.39.Fe
  • Non-leptonic kaon decays
  • Chiral perturbation theory
  • K: hadronic decay
  • pi: pair production
  • amplitude analysis
  • isospin: selection rule