Can nearby resonances enhance D0 - anti-D0 mixing?
Feb, 19989 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 427 (1998) 172-178
- hep-ph/9802291 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- UMHEP-450,
- JHU-TIPAC-98001
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We consider the possibility that D^0 - anti-D^0 mixing undergoes resonant enhancement. Various scenarios are explored, including the potential effects of nearby pseudoscalar or scalar quark-antiquark (Q - anti-Q) resonances as well as of hybrid quark-antiquark-gluon Q - anti-Q G states. Assuming reasonable values for the resonance parameters we find relatively sizeable contributions from individual resonances to both \Delta m_D and \Delta \Gamma_D. We derive a variant of the GIM cancellation mechanism for the resonance amplitudes and show that broken SU(3) can allow for sizeable residual effects. Additional input from meson spectroscopy and lattice gauge simulations will be needed to improve the accuracy of these predictions.Note:
- 9 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX, Shortened version for publication, (lighter resonances included and 0+ contributions dropped) Report-no: JHU-TIPAC-98001, UMHEP-450
- D0 anti-D0: mixing
- enhancement
- meson resonance: effect
- meson resonance: scalar meson
- meson resonance: pseudoscalar meson
- meson resonance: hybrid
- D0 anti-D0: mass difference
- width: difference
- symmetry breaking: SU(3)
- numerical calculations