Charmonium suppression in lead-lead collisions: Is there a break in the J / psi cross-section?

Jul, 1998
31 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.C 59 (1999) 395-404
Report number:
  • LPTHE-ORSAY-98-27,
  • DESY-98-086

Citations per year

In the framework of a model based on nuclear absorption plus comover interaction, we compute the ETE_{T} distribution of the J/ψJ/\psi in PbPbPbPb collisions at SPS and compare it with available NA50 data. Our analysis suggests that the existence of new physics (deconfinement phase transition) in the region E_{T} \lsim 100 GeV is unlikely and that signals of new physics should rather be searched in the region E_T \gsim 100 GeV. The ETE_{T} dependence of the J/ψJ/\psi transverse momentum has been computed. At large ETE_T it turns out to be much flatter in the comover approach than in a phase transition framework. Estimates of the J/ψJ/\psi suppression at RHIC and LHC energies are also given.
  • 31 pages, LaTeX, 9 postscript figures included using epsfig; references updated and comments added; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. C Report-no: LPTHE Orsay 98/27, DESY 98-086
  • nucleus nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • lead
  • J/psi(3100): yield
  • transverse energy: spectrum
  • nuclear reaction: model
  • absorption
  • lepton: pair production
  • Drell-Yan process
  • cross section: ratio
  • hadron: production