Soft superweak CP violation and the strong CP puzzle
Jul, 199810 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 451 (1999) 372-381
- hep-ph/9807399 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- HUTP-98-A048
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We discuss a class of models in which CP is violated softly in a heavy sector adjoined to the standard model. Heavy-sector loops produce the observed CP violation in kaon physics, yielding a tiny and probably undetectable value for . All other CP-violating parameters in the effective low-energy standard model, including the area of the unitarity triangle and , are finite, calculable and can be made very small. The leading contribution to comes from a four-loop graph. These models offer a natural realization of superweak CP violation and can resolve the strong CP puzzle. In one realization of this idea, CP is violated in the mass matrix of heavy majorana neutrinos.Note:
- 12 pages, embedded figures - this version was further revised after acceptance for publication Report-no: HUTP-98/A048
- CP: violation
- electroweak interaction
- unitarity
- strong interaction: CP
- fermion: Majorana
- superweak interaction