Renormalon ambiguities in NRQCD operator matrix elements

Jul, 1998
28 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 60 (1999) 054008
Report number:
  • ANL-HEP-PR-98-29,
  • OHSTPY-HEP-T-98-008

Citations per year

We give a general analysis of the renormalon ambiguities that appear in factorization formulae in QCD. In our analysis, it is clear that the ambiguities in the short-distance coefficients and operator matrix elements are artifacts of dimensional-regularization factorization schemes and are absent in cutoff schemes. We also present a general method for computing the renormalon ambiguities in operator matrix elements and apply it to a computation of the ambiguities in the matrix elements that appear in the NRQCD factorization formulae for the annihilation decays of S-wave quarkonia. Our results, combined with those of Braaten and Chen for the short-distance coefficients, provide an explicit demonstration that the ambiguities cancel in the physical decay rates. We also analyze the renormalon ambiguities in the Gremm-Kapustin relation and in various definitions of the heavy-quark mass.
  • 29 pages, REVTEX; revised Abstract, Introduction, Summary, corrected some typos
  • quantum chromodynamics: nonrelativistic
  • renormalization: renormalon
  • quarkonium: annihilation
  • partial wave
  • factorization
  • Borel transformation
  • Feynman graph
  • quark: mass