J / psi suppression in nucleus-nucleus collisions

Sep, 1998
10 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 232301
Report number:
  • BNL-HET-98-33

Citations per year

We propose a model for the production and suppression of J/\psi mesons in high-energy hadronic collisions. We factorized the process into a production of the ccˉc\bar{c} pairs of relative momentum k=kckcˉk=k_c-k_{\bar{c}} convoluted with a transition probability from the produced ccˉc\bar{c} pairs into the observed J/ψ\psi mesons. As the produced ccˉc\bar{c} pairs exit the nuclear matter, the multiple scattering between the colored cc and cˉ\bar{c} and the nuclear medium increases the square of the relative momentum between the cc and cˉ,q2=k2\bar{c}, q^2=-k^2, such that some of the ccˉc\bar{c} pairs gain enough invariant mass to transmute into open charm states. With only one parameter, the amount of energy gained by the produced ccˉc\bar{c} pair per unit length in the nuclear medium, our model can fit all observed J/\psi suppression data including recent NA50 data from Pb-Pb collisions.
  • nucleus nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • lead
  • p nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • J/psi(3100): hadroproduction
  • J/psi(3100): yield
  • nuclear reaction: model
  • quark: pair production
  • quark: charm
  • multiple scattering
  • channel cross section: energy dependence
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