Electron neutrino Majorana mass and solar neutrino oscillations

Mar, 1999
7 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 456 (1999) 201-203
Report number:
  • UCRHEP-T247

Citations per year

Assuming the Majorana masses of νe\nu_e and the linear combination cντsνμc \nu_\tau - s \nu_\mu to be equal from their couplings to a heavy scalar triplet ξ\xi, I show that their radiative splitting is given by Δm2/mν2=(3c2/4π2)(GF/2)mτ2ln(mξ2/mW2)\Delta m^2/m_\nu^2 = (3 c^2/4 \pi^2) (G_F/\sqrt 2) m_\tau^2 \ln (m_\xi^2/m_W^2). This is applicable to the small-angle matter-enhanced oscillation solution of the solar neutrino deficit and restricts mνm_\nu to be between 0.20 and 0.36 eV if c2=0.7c^2 = 0.7 and mξ=1014m_\xi = 10^{14} GeV.
  • 7 pages including 1 figure, slightly revised version to appear in Physics Letters B Report-no: UCRHEP-T247 (March 1999)
  • neutrino/e: mass
  • radiative correction
  • neutrino: mass generation
  • neutrino: mass difference
  • neutrino: mixing angle
  • neutrino/mu
  • neutrino/tau
  • neutrino: oscillation
  • neutrino: solar
  • neutrino: flux