On the nature of the scalar a(0)(980) and f(0)(980) mesons
199815 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Usp. 41 (1998) 1149-1153,
- Usp.Fiz.Nauk 168 (1998) 1257-1261
Contribution to:
- hep-ph/9904223 [hep-ph]
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Citations per year
It is presented a critical consideration of all unusual properties of the scalar and -mesons in the four-quark, two-quark and molecular models. The arguments are adduced that the four-quark model is more preferable. It is discussed the complex of experiments that could finally resolve this issue.- talk: Novosibirsk 1999/03/01
- a0(980): model
- f0(980): model
- multiquark
- bound state: (4quark)
- quark: strangeness
- K anti-K: bound state
- Phi(1020): radiative decay
- Phi(1020): width
- J/psi(3100): hadronic decay