B ---> X(u) lepton anti-neutrino lepton decay distributions to order alpha(s)
May, 199925 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 06 (1999) 017
- hep-ph/9905351 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- SLAC-PUB-8127,
- BARI-TH-99-337
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An analytic result for the O(alpha_s corrections to the triple differential B -> X_u l nu decay rate is presented, to leading order in the heavy-quark expansion. This is relevant for computing partially integrated decay distributions with arbitrary cuts on kinematic variables. Several double and single differential distributions are derived, most of which generalize known results. In particular, an analytic result for the O(alpha_s) corrections to the hadronic invariant mass spectrum is presented. The effects of Fermi motion, which are important for the description of decay spectra close to infrared sensitive regions, are included. The behaviour of perturbation theory in the region of time-like momenta is also investigatedNote:
- 24 pages, 11 figures, 1 typo in eq.(5.4) corrected; version published in JHEP06(1999)017
- B: semileptonic decay
- decay: inclusive reaction
- up
- quantum chromodynamics: correction
- Feynman graph: higher-order
- B: width
- differential cross section
- lepton: energy spectrum
- hadron: energy spectrum
- mass spectrum: parton