Spatial 't Hooft loop, hot QCD and Z(N) domain walls
Sep, 1999
14 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 469 (1999) 205-212
- hep-ph/9909516 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- OUTP-99-52P,
- CPT-P-3891
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We show that the deconfinement phase transition in the pure Yang-Mills theory can be characterized by the change of behaviour the spatial 't Hooft loop, V(C). In the confining phase V has a perimeter law behaviour V(C)= exp{-mP(C)}, while in the deconfined phase it has the area law behaviour V(C)= exp{-\alpha S(C)}. We show that the area law behaviour of the 't Hooft loop is intimately related to the plasma-like distribution of the color charges in the hot QCD vacuum. We also show that the "dual string tension" \alpha is equal to the "wall tension" of the Z_N domain walls previously calculated by Bhattacharya All these properties generalize immediately to other nonabelian theories without fundamental charges, such as supersymmetric Yang Mills. In theories with fundamental charges the 't Hooft loop presumably has the area law behaviour already at zero temperature and therefore is not a good order parameter in the strict sense.Note:
- 14 pages, Latex Report-no: OUTP-99 52P, CPT-P.3891
- gauge field theory: SU(3)
- critical phenomena: confinement
- charge: plasma
- color
- vacuum state: finite temperature
- string tension: duality
- domain wall: Z(N)