We compactify M(atrix) theory on Riemann surfaces Sigma with genus g>1. Following [1], we construct a projective unitary representation of pi_1(Sigma) realized on L^2(H), with H the upper half-plane. As a first step we introduce a suitably gauged sl_2(R) algebra. Then a uniquely determined gauge connection provides the central extension which is a 2-cocycle of the 2nd Hochschild cohomology group. Our construction is the double-scaling limit N\to\infty, k\to-\infty of the representation considered in the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem, which represents the higher-genus analog of 't Hooft's clock and shift matrices of QCD. The concept of a noncommutative Riemann surface Sigma_\theta is introduced as a certain C^\star-algebra. Finally we investigate the Morita equivalence.
  • LaTeX, 1+14 pages. Contribution to the TMR meeting ``Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification'', Paris 1-7 September 1999
  • talk: Paris 1999/09/01
  • M-theory
  • matrix model
  • Riemann surface: higher-order
  • gauge field theory: U(N)
  • fibre bundle: stability
  • cohomology
  • scaling
  • differential geometry: noncommutative
  • bibliography