Quasiboson representations of sl(n+1) and generalized quantum statistics

Sep, 2000
10 pages
Report number:
  • TWI-00-04

Citations per year

Generalized quantum statistics will be presented in the context of representation theory of Lie (super)algebras. This approach provides a natural mathematical framework, as is illustrated by the relation between para-Bose and para-Fermi operators and Lie (super)algebras of type B. Inspired by this relation, A-statistics is introduced, arising from representation theory of the Lie algebra A_n. The Fock representations for A_n=sl(n+1) provide microscopic descriptions of particular kinds of exclusion statistics, which may be called quasi-Bose statistics. It is indicated that A-statistics appears to be the natural statistics for certain lattice models in condensed matter physics.
  • LaTex-file, 10 pages Report-no: TWI-00-04 Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Quantum Algebra
  • quantum statistics
  • algebra: Lie
  • algebra: representation
  • algebra: SL(N)
  • boson: quasiparticle
  • boson: statistics
  • parastatistics
  • operator
  • Fock space
  • Pauli principle