Clocks, computers, black holes, space-time foam, and holographic principle
Oct, 2000Citations per year
What do simple clocks, simple computers, black holes, space-time foam, and holographic principle have in common? I will show that the physics behind them is inter-related, linking together our concepts of information, gravity, and quantum uncertainty. Thus, the physics that sets the limits to computation and clock precision also yields Hawking radiation of black holes and the holographic principle. Moreover, the latter two strongly imply that space-time undergoes much larger quantum fluctuations than what the folklore suggests --- large enough to be detected with modern gravitational-wave interferometers through future refinements.- talk: Hong Kong 2000/07/31
- black hole
- space-time: foam
- holography
- computer
- time: measurement
- quantum mechanics
- general relativity
- radiation: Hawking
- numerical calculations