Multiparametric deformed Heisenberg algebras: A Route to complexity

Jul, 2000
17 pages
Published in:
  • J.Phys.A 34 (2001) 3253-3264
Report number:
  • CBPF-NF-066-00

Citations per year

We introduce a generalization of the Heisenberg algebra which is written in terms of a functional of one generator of the algebra, f(J0)f(J_0), that can be any analytical function. When ff is linear with slope θ\theta, we show that the algebra in this case corresponds to qq-oscillators for q2=tanθq^2 = \tan \theta. The case where ff is a polynomial of order nn in J0J_0 corresponds to a nn-parameter deformed Heisenberg algebra. The representations of the algebra, when ff is any analytical function, are shown to be obtained through the study of the stability of the fixed points of ff and their composed functions. The case when ff is a quadratic polynomial in J0J_0, the simplest non-linear scheme which is able to create chaotic behavior, is analyzed in detail and special regions in the parameter space give representations that cannot be continuously deformed to representations of Heisenberg algebra.
  • latex, 17 pages, 5 PS figures; to be published in J. Phys. A: Math and Gen (2001); a few sentences were added in order to clarify some points Report-no: CBPF-NF-066/00 Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Statistical Mechanics; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems