We examine the structure of the Yukawa couplings in the 11 dimensional Horava-Witten M-theory based on non-standard embeddings. We find that the CKM and quark mass hierarchies can be explained in M Theory without introducing undue fine tuning. A phenomenological example is presented satisfying all CKM and quark mass data requiring the 5-branes cluster near the second orbifold plane, and that the instanton charges of the physical orbifold plane vanish. The latter condition is explicitly realized on a Calabi-Yau manifold with del Pezzo base dP_7.
  • Submitted to Int.J.Mod.Phys.A
  • talk: Columbus 2000/08/09
  • M-theory: heterotic
  • dimension: 11
  • symmetry breaking: Wilson loop
  • coupling: Yukawa
  • quark: mass spectrum
  • mass: hierarchy
  • numerical calculations
  • CKM matrix matrix
  • interpretation of experiments