Electromagnetism and gauge theory on the permutation group S(3)
Dec, 2000Citations per year
Using noncommutative geometry we do U(1) gauge theory on the permutation group . Unlike usual lattice gauge theories the use of a nonAbelian group here as spacetime corresponds to a background Riemannian curvature. In this background we solve spin 0, 1/2 and spin 1 equations of motion, including the spin 1 or `photon' case in the presence of sources, i.e. a theory of classical electromagnetism. Moreover, we solve the U(1) Yang-Mills theory (this differs from the U(1) Maxwell theory in noncommutative geometry), including the moduli spaces of flat connections. We show that the Yang-Mills action has a simple form in terms of Wilson loops in the permutation group, and we discuss aspects of the quantum theory.Note:
- 28 pages, LaTex as revised March 2001 -- expanded remarks in last section on the quantum theory, but no sig. changes
- gauge field theory: U(1)
- space: S(3)
- differential geometry: noncommutative
- differential forms
- fermion
- cohomology
- quantization