An Exact RG formulation of quantum gauge theory

Sep, 2000

Citations per year

Abstract: (WSP)
A gauge invariant Wilsonian effective action is constructed for pure SU(N) Yang-Mills theory by formulating the corresponding flow equation. Manifestly gauge invariant calculations can be performed i.e. without gauge fixing or ghosts. Regularisation is implemented in a novel way which realises a spontaneously broken SU(N|N) supergauge theory. As an example we sketch the computation of the one-loop β function, performed for the first time without any gauge fixing.
  • talk: Rome 2000/09/18
  • gauge field theory: SU(N)
  • effective action
  • renormalization group: transformation
  • perturbation theory: higher-order
  • Wilson loop
  • gauge field theory: SU(N/N)
  • spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • supersymmetry