The Exceptional Jordan algebra and the matrix string

Feb, 2001
15 pages

Citations per year

A new matrix model is described, based on the exceptional Jordan algebra. The action is cubic, as in matrix Chern-Simons theory. We describe a compactification that, we argue, reproduces, at the one loop level, an octonionic compactification of the matrix string theory in which SO(8) is broken to G2. There are 27 matrix degrees of freedom, which under Spin(8) transform as the vector, spinor and conjugate spinor, plus three singlets, which represent the two longitudinal coordinates plus an eleventh coordinate. Supersymmetry appears to be related to triality of the representations of Spin(8).
  • matrix model
  • string model
  • algebra: Jordan
  • symmetry breaking
  • group theory: representation
  • bibliography