On the absorption by near extremal black branes
Apr, 200130 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 610 (2001) 117-143
- hep-th/0104065 [hep-th]
Report number:
- NYU-TH-01-04-01,
- SNS-PH-01-04
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We study the absorption of a minimally coupled scalar in the gravitational background created by a stack of near-extremal black three-branes, and more generally by M2, M5 and Dp branes. The absorption probability has the form P(l) = P_0(l) f_l(\lambda), where P_0(l) is the partial wave's absorption probability in the extremal case, and the thermal factor f_l(\lambda) depends on the ratio of the frequency of the incoming wave and the Hawking temperature, \lambda = \omega/\pi T. Using Langer-Olver's method, we obtain a low-temperature (\lambda \gg 1) asymptotic expansion for P(l) with coefficients determined recursively. This expansion, which turns out to be a fairly good approximation even for \lambda \sim 1, accounts for all power-like finite-temperature corrections to P_0(l), and we calculate a few terms explicitly. We also show that at low temperature the absorption probability contains exponentially suppressed terms, and attempt to develop an approximation scheme to calculate those. The high-temperature expansion is also considered. For the s-wave, the low-temperature gravity result is consistent with the free finite-temperature field theory calculation, while for high temperature and higher partial waves we find a disagreement. As a check of the approximation methods used, we apply them to the D1-D5-brane system, and compare results to the known exact solution.Note:
- 30 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, one reference added Report-no: NYU-TH/01/04/01; SNS-PH/01-04 Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B 610, 117 (2001)
- 04.70.Dy
- 11.15.-q
- 11.25.-w
- membrane model
- scalar particle: absorption
- asymptotic expansion
- partial wave
- gravitation
- finite temperature
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