Notes on AdS(3)
May, 200141 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 621 (2002) 303-336
- hep-th/0106004 [hep-th]
Report number:
- RI-5-01,
- EFI-01-19
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Abstract: (Elsevier)
We use the conjectured strong–weak coupling worldsheet duality between the SL (2)/ U (1) and sine-Liouville conformal field theories to study some properties of degenerate operators and to compute correlation functions in CFT on AdS 3 . The same quantities have been computed in the past by other means. The agreement between the different approaches provides new evidence for the duality. We also discuss the supersymmetric analog of this duality, the correspondence between SCFT on the cigar and N =2 Liouville. We show that in the spacetime CFT dual to string theory on AdS 3 via the AdS/CFT correspondence, the central term in the Virasoro algebra takes different values in different sectors of the theory. In a companion paper we use the results described here to study D-branes in AdS 3 .Note:
- 40 pages, harvmac; references added
- space-time: anti-de Sitter
- dimension: 3
- field theory: conformal
- field theory: Liouville
- dimension: 2
- Wess-Zumino-Witten model: SU(2)/U(1)
- operator product expansion
- n-point function
- supersymmetry
- algebra: Virasoro