k string tensions in SU(N) gauge theories
Jun, 2001
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In the context of four-dimensional SU(N) gauge theories, we study the spectrum of the confining strings. We compute, for the SU(6) gauge theory formulated on a lattice, the three independent string tensions sigma_k related to sources with Z_N charge k=1,2,3, using Monte Carlo simulations. Our results, whose uncertainty is approximately 2% for k=2 and 4% for k=3, are consistent with the sine formula sigma_k/sigma = sin(k pi/N) / \sin(pi/N) for the ratio between sigma_k and the standard string tension sigma, and show deviations from the Casimir scaling. The sine formula is known to emerge in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories and in M-theory. We comment on an analogous behavior exhibited by two-dimensional SU(N)xSU(N) chiral models.- 12.38.Gc
- 12.38.Aw
- 11.15.Ha
- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- dimension: 4
- supersymmetry
- string tension: ratio
- charge: Z(N)
- model: chiral
- symmetry: SU(N) x SU(N)