Manifest calculation and the finiteness of the superstring Feynman diagrams
Dec, 2001Citations per year
The multi-loop amplitudes for the closed, oriented superstring are represented by finite dimensional integrals of explicit functions calculated through the super-Schottky group parameters and interaction vertex coordinates on the supermanifold. The integration region is proposed to be consistent with the group of the local symmetries of the amplitude and with the unitarity equations. It is shown that, besides the SL(2) group, super-Schottky group and modular one, the total group of the local symmetries includes an isomorphism between sets of the forming group transformations, the period matrix to be the same. The singular integration configurations are studied. The calculation of the integrals over the above configurations is developed preserving all the local symmetries of the amplitude, the amplitudes being free from divergences. The nullification of the 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-point amplitudes of massless states is verified. Vanishing the amplitudes for a longitudinal gauge boson is argued.- string model
- supersymmetry
- scattering amplitude: finite
- invariance: modular
- Feynman graph