A Theory of algebraic integration
Dec, 2001Citations per year
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In this paper we extend the idea of integration to generic algebras. In particular we concentrate over a class of algebras, that we will call self-conjugated, having the property of possessing equivalent right and left multiplication algebras. In this case it is always possible to define an integral sharing many of the properties of the usual integral. For instance, if the algebra has a continuous group of automorphisms, the corresponding derivations are such that the usual formula of integration by parts holds. We discuss also how to integrate over subalgebras. Many examples are discussed, starting with Grassmann algebras, where we recover the usual Berezin's rule. The paraGrassmann algebras are also considered, as well as the algebra of matrices. Since Grassmann and paraGrassmann algebras can be represented by matrices we show also that their integrals can be seen in terms of traces over the corresponding matrices. An interesting application is to the case of group algebras where we show that our definition of integral is equivalent to a sum over the unitary irreducuble representations of the group. We show also some example of integration over non self-conjugated algebras (the bosonic and the -bosonic oscillators), and over non-associative algebras (the octonions).Note:
- Contribution to the Michael Marinov Memorial Volume •
- LaTex file, 50 pages, no figures. Contribution to the Michael Marinov Memorial Volume