Black holes, Hawking radiation and the information paradox

Nov, 2002
11 pages
Report number:
  • SLAC-PUB-9595

Citations per year

0 Citations
This talk is about results obtained by Kirill Melnikov and myself pertaining to the canonical quantization of a massless scalar field in the presence of a Schwarzschild black hole. After a brief summary of what we did and how we reproduce the familiar Hawking temperature and energy flux, I focus attention on how our discussion differs from other treatments. In particular I show that we can define a system which fakes an equilibrium thermodynamic object whose entropy is given by the A/4A/4 (where AA is the area of the black hole horizon), but for which the assignment of a classical entropy to the system is incorrect. Finally I briefly discuss a discretized version of the theory which seems to indicate that things work in a surprising way near r=0r=0.
  • talk: Moscow 2002/06/24
  • black hole: Schwarzschild
  • radiation: Hawking
  • information theory
  • field theory: scalar
  • massless
  • energy: flux
  • entropy
  • quantization
  • optics: geometrical