Statistical mechanics of the three-dimensional Kerr-de Sitter space
Jun, 2003Citations per year
The statistical computation of the (2+1)-dimensional Kerr-de Sitter space in the context of the {\it classical} Virasoro algebra for an asymptotic isometry group has been a mystery since first, the degeneracy of the states has the right value only at the infinite boundary which is casually disconnected from our universe, second, the analyses were based on the unproven Cardy's formula for complex central charge and conformal weight. In this paper, I consider the entropy in Carlip's would-be gauge degrees of freedom approach instead. I find that it agree with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy but there are no the above problems. Implications to the dS/CFT are noted.- space-time
- dimension: 3
- gravitation
- gauge field theory: SL(2,C)
- Chern-Simons term
- algebra: Kac-Moody
- Wheeler-DeWitt equation
- bibliography
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