On conformal field theory and stochastic Loewner evolution

Aug, 2003
23 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 687 (2004) 279-302
Report number:
  • IHES-P-03-28,
  • IMPERIAL-TP-2-03-30

Citations per year

We describe Stochastic Loewner Evolution on arbitrary Riemann surfaces with boundary using Conformal Field Theory methods. We propose in particular a CFT construction for a probability measure on (clouded) paths, and check it against known restriction properties. The probability measure can be thought of as a section of the determinant bundle over moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. Loewner evolutions have a natural description in terms of random walk in the moduli space, and the stochastic diffusion equation translates to the Virasoro action of a certain weight-two operator on a uniformised version of the determinant bundle.
  • 24 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX: v2: added section 4.1, references and minor clarifications, version to appear in NPB Report-no: IHES/P/03/28, Imperial/TP/2-03/30 Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory: Mathematical Physics
  • 02.50.Ey
  • 05.50.+q
  • 11.25.Hf
  • 60D05
  • 58J52
  • 58J65
  • 81T40
  • Probability theory
  • Conformal field theory
  • field theory: conformal