A classical spinning particle based on the Kerr-Newman black hole (BH) solution is considered. For parameters of spinning particles a>>m|a|>>m, the BH horizons disappear and BH image is drastically changed. We show that it turns into a skeleton formed by two coupled stringy systems. One of them is the Kerr singular ring which can be considered as a circular D-string with an orientifold world-sheet. Analyzing the aligned to the Kerr congruence electromagnetic excitations of this string, we obtain the second stringy system which consists of two axial half-infinite chiral D-strings. These axial strings are similar to the Dirac monopole strings but carry the induced chiral traveling pp-waves. Their field structure can be described by the field model suggested by Witten for the cosmic superconducting strings. We discuss a relation of this stringy system to the Dirac equation and argue that this stringy system can play a role of a classical carrier of the wave function.
  • talk: Paris 2003/09/15
  • talk: Protvino 2003/07/02
  • particle: spin
  • black hole: Kerr-Newman
  • string: superconductivity
  • orientifold
  • electromagnetic field
  • pp-wave
  • Einstein-Maxwell equation