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We present a new application of Boundary String Field Theory: calculating the induced-gravity action on a D-brane. Using a simple quadratic tachyon potential to model a D-brane fluctuating in the flat target space we derive the effective action in terms of the extrinsic curvature to all orders in alpha'. We identify both the Born-Infeld structure as well as the Einstein-Hilbert term at order alpha'. This corroborates the conjectured existence of the latter term in the brane-world scenarios. The higher order terms in Ricci scalar and extrinsic curvature suggest a pattern which calls for an explanation.
  • field theory: string
  • boundary condition
  • membrane model: D-brane
  • membrane model: p-brane
  • regularization: zeta function
  • partition function
  • effective action
  • tachyon: potential