M-theory and gauged supergravities

Aug, 2004
112 pages
Thesis: PhD
  • Groningen U.
Published in:
  • Fortsch.Phys. 53 (2005) 119-230
  • 9789036720649
Report number:
  • UG-04-05

Citations per year

We present a pedagogical discussion of the emergence of gauged supergravities from M-theory. First, a review of maximal supergravity and its global symmetries and supersymmetric solutions is given. Next, different procedures of dimensional reduction are explained: reductions over a torus, a group manifold and a coset manifold and reductions with a twist. Emphasis is placed on the consistency of the truncations, the resulting gaugings and the possibility to generate field equations without an action. Using these techniques, we construct a number of gauged maximal supergravities in diverse dimensions with a string or M-theory origin. One class consists of the CSO gaugings, which comprise the analytic continuations and group contractions of SO(n) gaugings. We construct the corresponding half-supersymmetric domain walls and discuss their uplift to D- and M-brane distributions. Furthermore, a number of gauged maximal supergravities are constructed that do not have an action.
  • Based on author's Ph.D. Thesis
  • 11.25.Mj
  • 04.65.+e
  • 04.50.+h
  • 11.25.-w
  • 11.25.Yb
  • M-theory
  • supergravity
  • compactification
  • review
  • M-theory
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