Nonsupersymmetric intersecting branes in supergravity

Oct, 2004
87 pages

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0 Citations
In this doctoral thesis a model of many orthogonally commonly intersecting delocalized branes with neither harmonic gauge nor any other extra conditions is discussed. Further a method of solving equations of motion of the model is given. It is proved that the model reduces to the so called Toda-like system which is solvable at least in several cases relevant for realistic brane configurations. The solutions generally can break supersymmetry. Examples of the solutions are given and some their properties are considered in more detail. Especially the presence and interpretation of singularities is discussed and the relation between energy and charge density of the solution. A certain duality in the space of solutions is described connecting two seemingly different elements of the space. It is shown that the solution dual to the supersymmetric one breaks supersymmetry, but it still possesses some features usually attributed only to solutions preserving supersymmetry. In particular for the dual solution equality between energy and charge density holds.
  • Ph.D. Thesis (Advisor: Krzysztof A. Meissner)
  • thesis
  • supergravity
  • dimension: 10
  • membrane model
  • membrane: interaction
  • field equations: solution
  • supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
  • duality
  • dependence: gauge
  • bibliography