Gauged vortices in a background

Feb, 2005
19 pages
Published in:
  • J.Phys.A 38 (2005) 9127-9144

Citations per year

We discuss the statistical mechanics of a gas of gauged vortices in the canonical formalism. At critical self-coupling, and for low temperatures, it has been argued that the configuration space for vortex dynamics in each topological class of the abelian Higgs model approximately truncates to a finite-dimensional moduli space with a Kaehler structure. For the case where the vortices live on a 2-sphere, we explain how localisation formulas on the moduli spaces can be used to compute explicitly the partition function of the vortex gas interacting with a background potential. The coefficients of this analytic function provide geometrical data about the Kaehler structures, the simplest of which being their symplectic volume (computed previously by Manton using an alternative argument). We use the partition function to deduce simple results on the thermodynamics of the vortex system: in particular, the average height on the sphere is computed and provides an interesting effective picture of the ground state.
  • Final version: 22 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps figure Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory: Mathematical Physics: Statistical Mechanics
  • 11.27.+d
  • 74.25.Bt
  • gauge field theory: U(1)
  • Higgs model
  • background field
  • vortex
  • finite temperature: dependence
  • Hamiltonian formalism
  • differential geometry: symplectic