A Conjecture about Fermi-Bose equivalence

May, 2005
4 pages

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This paper suggests that traditional fermi-bose quantum field theories (QFT) in 3+1-D, like the standard model of physics, may often be exactly equivalent to the limiting case of a family of bosonic QFT (BQFT) which generate soliton solutions and are finite. They are finite in the sense of being well-defined mathematically even without regularization or renormalization, though the coupling coefficients would of course be so large that we must use nonperturbative methods for the analysis. Proof of this would open the door to a completely finite, well-defined unification of physics without a need to postulate additional unobserved dimensions of space-time. Axiomatic existence of the BQFT is discussed. Possible relevance to empirical QCD is noted briefly at the end.
  • fermion
  • boson
  • soliton: topological
  • regularization
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