Wightman function and vacuum fluctuations in higher dimensional brane models

Aug, 2005
25 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 73 (2006) 044012

Citations per year

Wightman function and vacuum expectation value of the field square are evaluated for a massive scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter subject to Robin boundary conditions on two codimension one parallel branes located on (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional background spacetime AdSD1+1×ΣAdS_{D_1+1}\times \Sigma with a warped internal space Σ\Sigma . The general case of different Robin coefficients on separate branes is considered. The application of the generalized Abel-Plana formula for the series over zeros of combinations of cylinder functions allows us to extract manifestly the part due to the bulk without boundaries. Unlike to the purely AdS bulk, the vacuum expectation value of the field square induced by a single brane, in addition to the distance from the brane, depends also on the position of the brane in the bulk. The brane induced part in this expectation value vanishes when the brane position tends to the AdS horizon or AdS boundary. The asymptotic behavior of the vacuum densities near the branes and at large distances is investigated. The contribution of Kaluza-Klein modes along Σ\Sigma is discussed in various limiting cases. As an example the case Σ=S1\Sigma =S^1 is considered, corresponding to the AdSD+1AdS_{D+1} bulk with one compactified dimension. An application to the higher dimensional generalization of the Randall-Sundrum brane model with arbitrary mass terms on the branes is discussed.
  • 04.50.+h
  • 04.62.+v
  • 11.10.Kk
  • field theory: scalar
  • space-time: anti-de Sitter
  • any-dimensional
  • axiomatic field theory
  • fluctuation: vacuum
  • vacuum polarization
  • membrane model