Enhanced gravitational scattering from large extra dimensions

Oct, 2005
8 pages

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0 Citations
We investigate whether enhanced gravitational scattering on small scales (< 0.1mm), which becomes possible in models with large extra dimensions, can establish statistical equilibrium between different particle species in the early Universe. We calculate the classical relativistic energy transfer rate for two species with a large ratio between their masses for a general elastic scattering cross section. Although the classical calculation suggests that ultra-light WIMPs (e.g., axions) can be thermalized by gravitational scattering, such interactions are considerably less efficient once quantum effects are taken into account on scales below the Compton wavelength. However the energy transfer rate in models with several extra dimensions may still be sensitive to trans-Planckian physics.
  • gravitation: scattering
  • higher-dimensional
  • membrane model
  • energy
  • WIMP
  • axion
  • dark matter