II(infinity) Factors and M-theory in Asymptotically Flat Space-Time

Jul, 2006
20 pages
Report number:
  • RU-06-08,
  • SCIPP-06-07

Citations per year

I discuss a formulation of M-theory at null infinity, which is based on general principles of holographic space-time, and is manifestly covariant. The construction utilizes a certain Type II Von Neumann algebra, which provides a kinematic framework, alternative to Fock Space, for describing the scattering states of eleven dimensional asymptotically flat M-theory. The construction provides a greatly clarified statement of the connection between SUSY and holography. I make preliminary remarks about dynamical equations for the S-matrix, and compactifications.
  • M-theory
  • boundary condition
  • space-time
  • holography
  • light cone gauge
  • supersymmetry
  • algebra: Poincare
  • algebra: von Neumann
  • compactification