A Kahler-Einstein inspired anzatz for Spin(7) holonomy metrics and its solution

Sep, 2006
13 pages

Citations per year

We construct propose an anzatz for Spin(7) metrics as an R-bundle over closed G2 structures. These G2 structures are R3 bundles over 4-dimensional compact quaternion Kahler spaces. The inspiration for the anzatz metric comes from the Bryant-Salamon construction of G2 holonomy metrics and from the fact that the twistor space of any compact quaternion Kahler space is Kahler-Einstein. The reduction of the holonomy to a subgroup of Spin(7) gives non linear system relating three unknown functions of one variable. We obtain a particular solution and we find that the resulting metric is a Calabi-Yau cone over an Einstein-Sassaki manifold which means that the holonomy is reduced to SU(4). Another coordinate change show us that our metrics are hyperkahler cones known as Swann bundles, thus the holonomy is reduced to Sp(2) and the cone is tri-Sassakian. We revert our argument and state that the Swann bundle define a closed G2 structure by reduction along an isometry. We calculate the torsion classes for such structure explicitly.
  • space-time
  • Einstein equation: solution
  • fibre bundle
  • holonomy: Spin(7)
  • symmetry: G(2)
  • quaternion
  • space: Kaehler
  • differential forms
  • duality